If a member with a status of DECEASED is selected, the Investment Detail - Deceased - Fund (name of the Fund) screen will be displayed.
The following data is displayed on this screen:
The following fields make use of the - Enter search - facility:
- Deceased
- Financial Advisor
- Administrator
For more details refer to Enter search under Person List (Beneficiary) above.
Transferring Fund Details |
Administrator |
Select a value from the drop-down list.
The system will default the value for Administrator to the user capturing the Member Details if nothing is selected.
The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
Transferring Fund |
The schemes from which money will be transferred to the beneficiary fund. Select the required scheme from the drop-down list.
The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
Trust Details |
Reference Number |
The member's reference number. If this field is left blank, a number will be generated by the system. |
Membership Status |
The current status of the member. Values may be: DECEASED INACTIVE |
Start Date |
The start date of this membership. The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
End Date |
The end date of this membership. |
Payment Reference |
Text on Notation record with a Note Type of MEMBER NOTE and a Note Header of PAYMENT REF where the Membership Status is DECEASED. |
Investment Amount |
The total amount invested. |
Personal Details |
Surname |
The member's surname.
The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
First name(s) |
The member's first names. |
ID Number |
The member's identity number. |
ID Type |
Select the applicable value from the drop-down box. |
Date of Death |
The date of death of a beneficiary with a Membership Status of DECEASED.
Note: This is only enabled when the Membership Status is DECEASED. |
Title |
Select the member's title from the drop-down box.
The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
Initials |
The member's initials.
The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
Date of Birth |
The member's date of birth.
The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
Marital Status |
Select the member's marital status from the drop-down box.
The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
Gender |
Select the member's gender from the drop-down box.
The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
Language |
Select the member's language from the drop-down box. |
Employee Number |
Text on Notation record with a Note Type of BENEFICIARY and a Note Header of EMPLOYEE NUMBER linked to the Membership with a Membership Status of DECEASED. |
Pension Amount |
The amount on the Member Values record with a Type of BENEFICIARY FUND and Subtype of RF PENSION AMT. |
Contact Details: |
Postal Address |
The member's postal address.
The completion of the first 2 address lines is mandatory. |
Postal Code |
The postal code of the member's postal address.
The completion of this field is Mandatory. |
Business Phone Number |
The member's business phone number. |
Home Phone Number |
The member's home phone number. |
Fax Number |
The member's fax number. |
Cellular No |
The member's cellular number. |
E-mail Address |
The member's e-mail address. |
Beneficiaries |
Fund |
The Fund to which the beneficiary belongs. |
Deceased |
The Reference Number of the deceased. |
Beneficiary |
The Reference Number of the beneficiary. |
Surname |
The surname of the beneficiary. |
Initials |
The initials of the beneficiary. |
Date of Birth |
The date of birth of the beneficiary. |
ID |
The id number of the beneficiary. |
To edit the details of an existing beneficiary click on a beneficiary in the Beneficiaries section of the screen then select EDIT. The Investment Detail - Beneficiary screen will be displayed for the beneficiary selected. The details for the beneficiary can be edited on this screen. For details of this screen refer to the Beneficiary section under Member List above.
To add details of a new beneficiary click ADD. A blank Investment Detail - Beneficiary screen will be displayed. The details for the new beneficiary can be captured on this screen.
For details of this screen refer to the Beneficiary section under Member List above.
To remove a previous beneficiary selection made under Beneficiaries, click REFRESH.
To save the details captured, click SAVE. A confirmation message will be displayed.
Click OK. A screen message will confirm that the details have been saved.