Prior Claims (Insurance Products 0904)

From the Benefit Claim Details screen, select Prior Claims from the sub-menu on the left.  The lower portion of the screen expands to display Prior Claims.  Details of existing prior claims (if any) will be displayed.



You can access the prior claim details by clicking on the details displayed.



If there are no prior claim details for the employee, a message will be displayed.


To add prior claim details, click ADD.  The Prior Claim Details screen will be displayed.



The following information is required:



Always check to see if there are any documents that have been uploaded for the member as these documents may contain information required to be captured on this screen. Documents that have been uploaded are selected from the View Document menu option.


For more information, refer to


Benefits (Insurance Products) 

Capturing of Exit Notifications

Complete a Claim



Prior Claim Details


Type of Prior Claim

Identifies what type of prior claim is being paid.

Claimant Name

Company or person to whom the prior claim is payable.

Amount Liable

Original prior claim amount.

Liability Start Date

Start date of the prior claim.

Liability End Date

End date of the prior claim.

Liability Reference No

The reference number that identifies the prior claim.

Contact Name

The name of a company or person for prior claim contact purposes.

Postal Address

The address of the company or person who is the contact for a prior claim.

Postal Code

The postal code for the address of the company or person who is the contact for a prior claim.


Once all the details have been captured, click SUBMIT.  The details are saved and will be displayed on the Prior Claims screen.