When the existing polar program accesses the DISASSESSMENT email box, a Service Request will be created for each email with the following detail:
- Scheme Code
- Membership reference number
- Status: OPEN
All of the attachments on the email will be attached to the Service Request.
When a Service Request is created manually i.e. the My Work > Service Request > Create option is selected on the JU7AB Work Management List screen and the Process selected is DISABILITY CLAIM ASSESSMENT, the Activity will default to CLAIM ASSESSMENT.
When the Service Request is created via the Email box or manually, the system will check if there is an existing Service Request with the same Scheme Code, Reference Number and Process. If there is, an informational message will be displayed to indicate that it already exists and it will be merged with the existing Service Request. If there is more than one Service Request, the Service Request will be merged to the Service Request with the earliest Timestamp.
When you select my work from the system functionality menu, the JU7AB Work Management List screen will be displayed.
This screen displays a list of the service requests allocated to you.
For detailed information on the JU7AB Work Management List screen and the functionality of the action buttons refer to
My Work
Service Requests
Highlight a Service Request with a Process Name of DISABILITY CLAIM ASSESMENT on the JU7AB Work Management List screen, and then select Service Request > Process from the sub-menu on the left.
The JU3TF Claim Assessment screen will be displayed.
View Document
When the VIEW DOCUMENT button is selected, the documents linked to the Membership record will be displayed. Only users with the necessary access linked to a Document Category equal to DISABILITY MANAGEMENT will have access to view the documents.
If no documentation has been received or further documents are required, the COMMUNICATE button must be selected.
When the COMMUNICATE button is selected, the system will flow to the JU3BN Membership Risk Cover Communication screen.
Select DIS ASSESSMENT from the Process Type drop-down list and click the LIST button for the PDF Template field.
The JU3BN Letter Template List screen will be displayed.
This screen lists the Document Templates with a PDF Process of DIS ASSESSMENT.
Highlight a Template and click SELECT. The JU3BN Membership Risk Cover Communication screen will be displayed with the selected Template. Click the PREVIEW PDF DOCUMENT button to display the document.
When the UNDERWRITING button is selected, the system will flow to the JU3BL Membership Risk Cover List screen from where a history of membership risk cover records can be reviewed.
When the CLOSE button has been selected, the system will open up the Process Flow screen for the user to select the next Activity Name the Service Request must be updated to.
When the SUBMIT button is selected on the Process Flow screen, the system will flow back to the JU3BL Membership Risk Cover screen for the next action to be performed.
When the button for SEND MEDICAL TO INSURER is selected in the Process List column on the Process Flow screen, the system will flow to the JU3TF Claim Assessment screen from where the COMMUNICATE button can be selected to select the relevant templates for the information to be forwarded.
If the Status of a Service Request is PEND due to information outstanding and is processed before the number of days on the JU7AB Create/Update New Service Request screen has expired, the Process Status on the Service Request will be updated to OPEN.
In some cases a Service Request Activity Name must to be updated again with an Activity Name that was previously completed on the Process Flow screen e.g. if the REQUEST ADDITIONAL INFORMATION item has been completed then a previous item FOLLOW UP MEDICAL FORM may be required to be selected if the additional requirements haven’t been received. This can be achieved by selecting the OPEN button for the particular item that needs to be selected again.
Similarly it must be possible to close multiple items at the same time e.g. if the documents are received without requiring follow up then the Followed up on Outstanding Medical Requirements can be closed and the next Activity Name on the Process Flow Page will be opened.
When a Service Request with an Activity Name of ASSESS FEEDBACK is processed, the system will flow to the JU3TF Claim Assessment screen from where the VIEW DOCUMENT button can be selected to review to Underwriter feedback.
When a Service Request with an Activity Name of UPDATE RISK DECISION is processed, the system will flow to the JU3TF Claim Assessment screen.
A decision can be recorded by selecting a value of LUMP SUM, PHI or DECLINED from the drop down list for the for Assessment Decision field. If the value of DECLINED is selected then the Declined Reason field will be enabled and a value can be selected of PRE-CONDITION, RESTRICTED PERIOD, INELIGIBLE or PRE-BENEFIT SCREENING.
When a Service Request with an Activity Name of PAY MEDICAL FEES is processed, the system will flow to the JU2BK Accounting Journal Details screen from where a payment will be captured. When the OK button is selected, the Activity Name of the Service Request will be updated to AUTHORISE MEDICAL FEE PAYMENT. The system will flow back to the My Work 7AB Management List screen.
When the Service Request is processed, the system will flow to the JU2BK Accounting Journal Details screen from where a payment will be authorised.
When the OK button is selected, the Activity Name of the Service Request will be updated to the next item on the Process Flow screen.
When the Service Request is processed, the system will flow back to the Membership Risk Cover screen from where the next action can be performed.
Activity Name: INVOICE FUND
When a Service Request with an Activity Name of INVOICE FUND is selected, the system will flow to the Claim Assessment screen from where the COMMUNICATE button can be selected for the relevant template to be selected for correspondence to be forwarded to the Fund.
When the CLOSE button is selected on the Process Flow screen for the Activity Name COMPLETE THE SERVICE REQUEST, the following message will be displayed:
This will complete ALL processing and finalize the Service Request.
Are you sure you want to Finalize?
Click YES to update the Service Request Process Status to COMPLETED.
Click NO to remain on the Process Flow screen from where the next Activity Name can be selected.
For more information refer to
Disability Claim Assessment