All the actions required during this process (Process Update, Close Update Type, Correct Update Type and Annuity Payment History) will be selected from the buttons that appear on the JU4DB Annuitant Process screen.
Each of the process update types listed should be completed.
Further processing cannot continue until the status of each process update type is displayed as CLOSED.
Each process update type selected will display a status of OPEN. When the status is OPEN, you may generally update the data contained in it.
To change the status of the update type, highlight the description line that needs to be closed and click CLOSE UPDATE. This will change the status from OPEN to CLOSED.
If the status of a process update type is CLOSED, and you wish to make changes, click CORRECT UPDATE for that process update type. This will return the status for that process update type to OPEN.
Changing the status to CLOSED can be done as and when each update is complete, or it can be done at the end of the process (or at any stage in between).
The following sub-menu will be displayed on the left of the Annuity Process screen.:
The sub-menu on the left is used for enquiries, while the list of Living Annuity Update Types (refer to screen prints) are used for processing the updates.
The following is a complete list of the annuitant update types that may be displayed:
- Investments *
- Inv Switch *
- Annuity amount
- Bank accounts
- Membership group
- Address details
- Notes
- Beneficiaries
* These update types only apply to LIVING ANNUITANTS, and will not be displayed for an ANNUITANT.
Some of these update types may not be displayed, depending on the scheme rules and the selections made by the member, e.g. the choice made for the PURCHASE PENSION? field on the Payment Allocation screen.
My Work
When the Payable from Fund indicator for the Pension Payment field on the on the JU4AO Payment screen for a Retirement Claim has been selected and the claim has been authorised by the user, the system creates a Service Request in the JU7AB Work Management List screen in My Work with a Process Name of CAPTURE ANNUITY and an Activity name of CAPTURE ANNUITY.
For more information refer to
My Work
Process SR
Capture Annuity